Wednesday, April 15, 2009


Last week one of the major news magazines all but declared that Christianity was dying in the United States and in the world. To me it almost seemed they were celebrating over this possibility. And then Fox News, in my opinion, went overboard trying to defend Christianity. They were very upset at the suggestion that we are living in a "post-Christian" era and that some believe America is not really a Christian nation.

Our nation was founded on a Judaeo/Christian ethic. Many of our forefathers were Christians and their Christianity heavily influenced the formation of the Republic in which we now live.

We are told that we must be tolerant of views other than our own. I have no problem being tolerant of other viewpoints. But tolerance doesn't mean silence. Tolerance means I can disagree with someone and still love them. For example I disagree with abortion, and yet I have known people who aborted children and still loved them.

Jesus didn't keep quiet about things He disagreed with. He was very vocal, and yet He never quit loving and seeking the redemption of all peoples. The scripture does not teach that we are to force people into the Kingdom. Rather, we are to tell them about Jesus and give them the opportunity to choose. And if they don't choose Christ, we are to love those people anyway. Hate is not a Christian virtue. Though if you read what the press says about Christianity you would think that it was.

Yes I believe that there is only one way to have a relationship with God. That way is through faith in Jesus. And yes I believe that Christianity is superior to all other faiths. If that weren't so I would have been something else. It is my choice and my faith. And yet I love people of all faiths and believe that they too have the right to choose what they are going to believe. And many of them feel the same way about their faith as I do.

So, I thought I would ask your opinion. Do you think we are living in a post-Christian era? Or, do you think that Christianity still holds sway and has a major impact on the morals, politics, and faith of our state and our nation?

If you would like to leave a comment click on the "comments" icon or on the pencil. I am looking forward to your comments.

Pastor Steve


  1. Hello happy bloggers, Ok finally I have it figured out. If you would like to comment simply click on the comments icon, and then blog to your hearts content.

  2. That's what I'm talking about!
