Thursday, January 6, 2011

Busy doing and not always serving...

Sometimes I think I have missed it all together...

Like so many other people I get caught up in the doing of life and occupational activities that I forget what's really important. I get busy writing blogs, plotting my calendar, making sure that I keep appointments, planning sermons, reaching out to people that I know need Jesus, and fulfilling all of the other obligations that go along with being a pastor, that I forget what really is important.

I know that I have missed the point of it all when serving God becomes obligation and habit as opposed to being the passion and joy of my life.

I have been a born again Christian since I was seven years old. Nothing ever has been of such benefit and blessing. But sometimes I forget the joy of simply walking with God. Sometimes I forget the love of God that is so encompassing. Sometimes I forget the absolute forgiveness that Jesus paid for and offered to me freely.

It's when I forget these things, or that I get so wrapped up in myself and the doing of the “job” of ministry, that I sense a profound emptiness in my spirit. It's then I know I have missed the point of it all and I have to go back and remind myself of the wonder of who God is in me.

Paul wrote these words that I need to take note of more often, "Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters, since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving." (Colossians 3:23-24)

There is no doubt that "stuff" needs to be done. There are schedules to keep and important things to do, but even those things need to be done with a right attitude. And what is that right attitude? Whatever I do, as a part of my "job," needs to always be done out of a heart of love and service to God who has given me more than I could ever count.